EMA is a project-based research group that specializes in gathering intelligence internationally in complex corporate, legal and financial matters.
Our uncompromising aim is to place our clients in the dominant position of any negotiation or contested situation, by legal means.
Our multilingual personnel is qualified in law, accounting, financial services, intelligence, investigation and business management.
Formed in 1992, we have our own offices in New York and London and associate offices in Paris and Hong Kong.
Litigation Intelligence Fact finding to substantiate legal claims, breach of fiduciary duties, antidumping and anti-competitive agreements, research profiles
of people and companies worldwide .../more
Financial Fraud Investigating illegal or unauthorized acts, kickbacks and embezzlement, corporate fraud, financial mismanagement and bankruptcy, locating and
recovering assets worldwide especially through offshore tax havens in money laundering schemes .../more
Business Intelligence
Competitor intelligence surveys, mergers and acquisitions, including joint ventures with new partners and in new markets, contested takeover bids, public offerings and private placements, risks in equity derivatives .../more
Difficult Jurisdictions Conducting sensitive investigations and new product or new market surveys in countries where different
standards of security apply and where the public record is minimal .../more
London 86 Overstone Road London W6
tel +44 (0)20 207-727-5393 +44-787-656-7902
New York 100 Park Avenue New York N.Y. 10017
info@emainternational.com www.emainternational.com
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